Eric Turowski
There's a side to the real estate racket that professionals hate to admit, and the mere whisper of its existence is enough to send the local market plunging. Ghosts. Mara Singleton and her crew of over-the-hill investigators thrive on being a necessary evil. So, when close friends contact Mara to take a look at their house, she takes the job on as a favor. She doesn't realize her father, a psychic working with police departments on the east coast, has been struggling to reach her for days. Nor does she know the story of the Predator Priest that hunted this neighborhood ten years ago, murdering then raping his victims. Lt. Bradford stopped the Predator Priest as a rookie, made his career on it. Everything has a cost though, and not only does he have horrifying nightmares of that fateful night, he developed a permanent fear of the dark. When reports come in of a priest assaulting a local woman with a startlingly similar methodology, Bradford realizes his fear just might be justified.

Hardboiled cop Victor Sigorski follows a trail of headless bodies from the hobo jungles to the highest echelon of Depression-era Cleveland society. Pitted against the likes of Eliot Ness and the federal government, will Sigorski uncover the bizarre secret of the decapitation murders, or end up on the stack of unidentified corpses littering Kingsbury Run?

Murder awakens a centuries-old curse, an evil with a hunger for human flesh. Denizens of a city founded by escaped slaves protect an infectious malevolence. Only a young gangbanger from the mean streets of West Oakland, a biology professor at a small college, and an auto mechanic stand against the devouring menace. Or will a scientist obsessed with curing his own failing body release... JUMBIE