Shrugging off the Mandela Effect
Recently, the astounding shift in reality, known as the Mandela Effect, has been brought to my attention. This is apparently the merging...

Entertainment is Murder
I’ve been giving some thought to why we are so entertained by murder. Truth is, anyone actually affected by a murder, of a family member...

Why We Need (Better) Horror Fiction
Horror fiction gets a bad rap. So much so, that I usually only admit to writing thrillers. Maybe I’m a chicken, maybe I don’t want to get...

Equality in the Lit Space
So I write Chick Lit. Or at least that’s what I’ve been told about my latest novel. This is probably not true, as I never aim for...

Standing Idle
I’m a little disappointed in myself. An opportunity to help someone came up, and I didn’t rise to the call. Here’s the story. So I work...

Working While Working
So I got a job finally, huzzah, and I’m out there working. This is probably the kind of job a twenty-something should be doing, rather...

What Are Ghosts, Part Two
In the last blog, I presented the idea that what ghosts are is consciousness, ill-described by either science or religion, and I related...